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    Headaches – Shoulder Pain

    by Steve and Corrine, Kent, WA

    My wife and I became proponents of acupuncture through our dogs and veterinary medicine. We had a competition performance dog who suffered an injury in his right shoulder. We rehabilitated the injury using the normal treatment of rest and very limited activity combined with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

    After about six weeks of rest we started to work the dog back up and condition him for competition again. After another two months he appeared ready to return to competition and the dog successfully competed many times before the old injury appeared again.

    We went through this cycle three times before we asked our vet if he had any suggestions or if we were going to have to retire the dog due to the recurring injury. The vet who had just recently been certified as a “veterinarian acupuncturist” recommended trying acupuncture. We were a bit skeptical but since our “normal” rehab methods were not resulting in any permanent resolution we decided that we would try it.

    Not being overly optimistic we were very surprised with a rapid rehabilitation. In less time than our normal rehab, the dog was ready to return to competition and we never had a recurrence of that injury. Years later we had the unfortunate need to have radiation treatment on the same animal and used acupuncture for pain management in the radiation- affected skin area. At the completion of radiation treatment a technique (aqua-puncture) in which Vitamin B12 is injected into the acupuncture points was used and the result was a phenomenal healing of the radiation-burned skin area that exceeded even the vet’s expectation.”

    My wife has suffered headaches and upper back/shoulder pain for years. After our experience with the dogs and acupuncture I encouraged my wife to try it herself with the adage, “If it is good enough and works for the dogs it is good enough for us to try.”

    We were uncertain as to where to find an acupuncturist who would meet our expectations. My sister, who is a practicing medical doctor, mentioned that she had used acupuncture years before for neck pain that failed to respond to traditional treatment. She tried to locate the individual she used but found that they had retired and could not be found. She was finally able to refer us to Dr ErKang Hu after one of my sister’s colleagues reported that he was pleased with the results he had received through Dr ErKang Hu. My wife has been very satisfied with the results of acupuncture and I have just recently tried acupuncture for a shoulder injury that was not responding well to traditional medicine.


    by Dr. Travis Robertson-Howell, DVM

    I have been a patient of Dr. Hu’s for approximately one year now and I cannot believe how much she has improved the quality of my life. Her knowledge, kindness, and art of administering acupuncture is second to none. I would not hesitate recommending her to family and friends in need of acupuncture or Chinese medicine services. Thank you Dr. Hu for the amazing work you do. Thankfully


    by Faith

    Acupuncture is like a tune-up for my car. For me it is not necessary to receive on a regular basis, rather to keep myself healthy and active. I have seen Dr. Hu for asthma, menstrual cramps, as well as neck and arm pain from a car accident. She has been an excellent help in this process. Thank you!

    Menstrual Cramps

    by Julia F.

    Since the age of 15 I have suffered from serious discomfort during my periods. I was told for years that it was nothing more than “cramps dear” and that I should take some Motrin. In my heart I knew that something was wrong and for the next 15 years went to numerous doctors to figure out what was wrong and to find a cure for the pain.”

    A typical period would involve painful bloating the day before my period accompanied by a series of wave-like stomach attacks that could easily parallel labor pains. It was common for me to pass out as a result of the pain and spend the next few hours on the floor trying to get through the stomach attacks. Often I would throw up and simultaneously have bouts of diarrhea between the pain episodes. For the next 5 days I would bleed heavily and continue to have severe cramping attacks.

    Finally, in 1997, I found a doctor who suggested a laparoscopic scope as he suspected I had endometriosis. While the results of the surgery were inconclusive (they found no cysts or lesions, scarring or fibroids), the doctor felt that he still had a diagnosis and prescribed a low-estrogen birth control pill and Anaprox for the pain. For one year I was pain-free, but soon my periods started to become painful again and my symptoms returned.”

    A new doctor suggested I try birth control “full time” (a.k.a. skipping the sugar pills) so I would not get a period at all. While this seemed unnatural, I tried it and for another year this “solution” seemed to do the trick. However, on my 30th birthday I found that I was cramping daily, bleeding daily and generally back at square one. Only this time I was also depressed and worrying that my problem would impact my fertility. I was now taking Bextra, a drug commonly used to treat arthritis, to control the pain along with the dangerously addictive Vicodin when the pain was severe.”

    Most doctors at one point or another along my path to find a cure had recommended that I take Lupron. Lupron is a drug that works at your brain level to control endometriosis by putting your body into a state of menopause, thereby eating away at the endometriosis cells. The drug is strong, has severe side effects and is controversial. There are Lupron survivor sites on the web and I didn’t want to put my body into a state of menopause when I was thinking about wanting children. I didn’t want to alter my brain chemistry and suffer hot flashes and other side effects that seemed to be just as bad, if not worse than what I was presently going through.”

    I was at a point where I would try just about anything – – even risk another invasive surgery before going to the extreme of taking Lupron. That is when, in total desperation, I turned to Dr. ErKang Hu for acupuncture.”

    After a thorough screening, Dr. Hu recommended that I initially visit her twice a week. On the second visit I notice that I was not in as much pain. After the third visit I stopped bleeding. And after a month I was completely pain-free — and I couldn’t believe it!”

    After a few more visits Dr. Hu suggested I stop taking my birth control pills “full time.” She wanted me to take the sugar pill and get my period. I was scared. Having not had a period in over 6 months and having not had a pain-free period in years, I was skeptical about the test. But ultimately, I knew Dr. Hu had done more for me in a few months than traditional medicine had done for me in over 15 years. I decided to trust her.

    The gamble worked and now I can get my period like a “normal” person. Sometimes I don’t even have any pain at all. I still continue treatment every 3 weeks, and in time, I hope to be off of my birth control pills completely.

    With the help of Dr. Hu I now have my life back. I don’t worry about having an embarrassing painful stomach attack at the office, or getting cramps while I work out. And I can now dream about one day having a baby — a dream that until I experienced the miracle of acupuncture, I did not think was ever a possible reality.

    Nerve Pain

    by Laura D. Rawlins, Seattle, WA

    I was diagnosed with a chronic neuropathic facial pain that started in 1995. The condition developed after an old injury that occurred in 1978. After years of trying different medications, including a myriad of narcotics, I decided to seek alternative treatment other than pharmaceuticals.

    During the past several years, many people told me that acupuncture might be helpful, especially since my particular type of pain stems from the nervous system. Although I took it under advisement, I never committed to the acupuncture treatment. It took my dog to bring me to my senses.

    My veterinarian advised me that my old dog Violet would benefit from acupuncture treatments and herbs. At 13 years old, she was in pain due to arthritis, had skin allergies and chronic ear infections. After one treatment, she had increased energy, a better appetite and freer movement. She was even able to chase a ball with exuberance and excitement! I could tell that she had less pain because she wanted to play. She became a vital dog again.

    That experience was the reason I started acupuncture treatments. After the first session, I could feel improvement. My facial pain went from a level 10 (10 being the most intense) to a 7 and it has continued to decrease as I continue the treatments. I also have increased energy, sleep more soundly and think more clearly. It has been a life-changing experience after years of thinking there was no relief from my pain except prescription pharmaceuticals.

    I was a firm believer in Western medicine (I still see my general physician), but because it didn’t help me with this long-term condition, I had to seek other alternatives. Acupuncture, in combination with certain herbs, has become a life changing experience for me. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has a chronic or ongoing condition. Of course, you must talk with your acupuncturist to determine if acupuncture would be helpful in treating your specific condition.

    But don’t wait as long as I did to start treatment. If someone recommends acupuncture, look into it, investigate and talk to someone who is familiar with the treatment, hopefully someone who is trained in acupuncture and herbal medicine. You won’t regret it and you will definitely benefit from it.

    And because acupuncture’s benefits are becoming better known and accepted, the majority of insurance companies are now paying for a certain number of treatments. Check with your insurance company’s policy; it is not uncommon for insurance companies to have a co-pay for acupuncture treatments.

    I hope you will consider this an alternative to Western medicne and pain pills to ease your discomfort. Although you may have to continue seeing your regular physician, the combination of acupuncture and other treatments prescribed by your physician could be very beneficial and could have long-term effects that would be helpful. My regular doctor was very encouraging when I told him that I was having acupuncture treatments. I can only take that as a sign that Western medicine is finally coming around in appreciating the benefits of this well-established practice.


    by Steven, WA

    I’ve been meaning to write for some time to say a proper thank you. I wasn’t sure if you realized how much you’ve helped me, especially when I first came to you in so much pain. So I’m taking this opportunity to let you know that I’m deeply grateful for your help, your knowledge and the caring spirit of healing in your work.

    We are lucky to have you here in the Seattle area.

    Sinus Infections, Fear of Flying

    by Michele McCarthy, President, McCarthy Technologies, Inc.

    I don’t have a phobia for needles anymore. It is hard to believe that just recently I would panic at the thought of numerous needles being used on me on a regular basis. Now I don’t think about it at all. Even better, Dr. Hu has helped me beat a sinus infection I have battled for almost a year, increase the quality of my sleep, and drastically reduce my anxiety levels. Along with my needle phobia, my flying phobia has also disappeared. Be smart and ask for help from Dr. Hu. Take care of yourself.